Today I made a pit stop at J.Crew during my lunch break. I mean SUCH sales right now... Anyway, I got home and decided to take the plain white tissue paper that the sales girl used to wrap up my purchase and reuse it to create
pretty tissue paper for gift wrapping. I did it by using a simple star shaped rubber stamp and gold ink pad. (Colorbox is my favorite brand of ink by the way) It is so easy and you can choose any theme for the tissue paper that you desire. The best part about stamping tissue paper is that you can make a mistake it doesn't matter because it will end up smooshed into a gift bag anyway, haha fabulous!

Tip: Stick with a smaller sized stamp with a simple bold shape. You want the shape to repeat dozens of times on the piece of tissue paper and be visible.
Tip: Stick with just one stamp and one ink color. Don't go crazy with lot of different stamps or colors. You are shooting for repetition here.

Decorative tissue paper can be really pricey so why not make it yourself after your next day of shopping?! At least you'll end the day feeling less guilty about shopping and more thrifty! Being creative always brings out the best and this simple project is an easy way to give that special touch to ordinary gift tissue. How charming!