- I always read my note aloud back to myself just to make sure it sounds complete.
December 26, 2009
Thanks For Gifts
- I always read my note aloud back to myself just to make sure it sounds complete.
December 19, 2009
Creamy Hot Cocoa
December 17, 2009
Family Christmas Cards
Glitter It Up!
December 15, 2009
It's All In The Envelope
December 11, 2009
Edible Appetizer Centerpiece
-Place foam on platter.
December 10, 2009
Cookie Cutters and More...
December 6, 2009
Christmas Party Ideas
4) "The Tacky Christmas Party" This one is fun for those with creativity and personality. It is similar to a tacky Christmas sweater party where each guest wears the most hideous Christmas sweater they own, BUT it takes it to the next extreme. You can wear glowing buttons, dress in costume, bring tacky cups for drinking, wear tacky hats and jewelry. Let's face it, sometimes it too hot inside to wear a tacky sweater!
5) "Around the World Christmas Party" Each guest brings a holiday dish representative of their culture. Bring a dish no one is already familiar with. The host should collect the recipes via email beforehand and send out the recipes after the party.
6) "White Christmas Party" Deck the halls (and yourself) white. Decorations include white lights, snow, snowflakes, snowmen, snow globes, white candles, white fur, sleds, white food, egg nog, white russians, white hot chocolate. This party is so fun and leaves a lot of room to be creative!
7) "Gingerbread Cookie Party" Everyone LOVES gingerbread, but hates to make it because there are over a dozen ingredients in the dough. At this party the host pre-makes tons of gingerbread dough and invites the girls over to roll up their sleeves, roll out the dough and cut out and decorate the cookies themselves. While the cookies are baking, ladies can mingle and snack and after the cookies are baking the host has prepared royale icing so ladies can further embellish the cookies. Each guest leaves with yummy cookies in hand. Such a fun and interactive afternoon gathering!
8) "Tree Trimming" Awh my school growing up did a tree trim every year right before school let out and it brings me the fondest memories as will your own tradition. This party is great for newlyweds so they can jumpstart their ornament collection. The host or hosts get a big fat Christmas tree and invite friends and family over to trim the tree. The host provides the beverage and food and the guests will each provide an ornament that will be reminscent of them for years to come!
9) If you are the guest, please RSVP. It is French for "respond please" so the host is asking you to do so. The host thought of you when choosing to invite you so please take a moment and return the favor:)
November 27, 2009
Monogramming... My Fav
November 14, 2009
Cinnamon Spice Ornaments

Start making some homemade ornaments now! This terrific recipe is easy and fun and the holiday scent will last for years to come.
1)1 jar cinnamon (approx. 4 ounces/1 cup) slightly more or less; start with approximately ½ cup
2)1–2 tablespoons cloves (use the larger amount for a darker ornament, and slightly decrease the cinnamon)
3)1 tablespoon nutmeg (you can include allspice, mace, or ‘pumpkin pie spice’)
4) ½ to ¾ cup applesauce
5) 2 tablespoons white glue (Elmer’s white glue works well)
6) Toothpick to make a hole for hanging
7) Ribbon for hanging (1/8 inch width)
In a medium bowl, combine cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg (and other spices). Add spice mixture to applesauce and glue; stir to combine. Work mixture with hands for 2 to 3 minutes, until dough is smooth and the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. It resembles pie crust dough. Divide dough into 2 or 3 portions. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to sit on counter for 1–2 hours. You can also refrigerate the dough overnight but bring to room temperature before you continue.
Roll each portion to 1/4" thickness on a board lightly dusted with cinnamon to prevent sticking. Cut into shapes with small cookie cutters (Smaller size cookie cutters work best). Make a small hole in the top of each ornament for hanging with a toothpick. Place cutouts on wire racks and allow to dry at room temperature (this will take 2-3 days). Daily turning will give you a flatter ornament with less warping. When the ornaments are thoroughly dry, thread holiday ribbon through hole in ornament.
Recipe makes approx. 32 (2-inch) ornaments. Recipe may be halved.
November 10, 2009
Thankgiving Day Activities

The Turkey is in the oven and the family has arrived. Here are some fun activities your family can do on Thanksgiving Day! (Besides watching football on TV!)
-Art and craft project for the kids: Have paper placecards out and instruct the kids to decorate their own placecards for the feast. Have them decorate the adults' placecards too.
-Have a bunch of fun dress up costume pieces out and ask the kids put together a Thankgiving Day skit complete with Pilgrims and Indians. Ask them to perform the skit for the adults during dessert and coffee!
-Buy a Jenja set at the store and write out questions on the wooden blocks. As adults and kids play, they have to answer the questions on the blocks. Write questions like: I am thankful for Grandpop because...
-Start a movie tradition. Pick a family friendly movie, one that your group will never outgrow or get tired of, and feature it every year.
-Touch football game in the backyard!
-Fill some glass jars with small items like candycorn or nuts. Keep track of how many pieces are in each jar and ask each guest estimate the amount sometime during the night. After dinner annouce the winners and hand out small prizes.
-Pumping carving, why not carve another pumpkin?! Set them up outside along the driveway and light them when your family guests are heading toward their cars.
October 18, 2009
Pumpkin Carving
Jack-o-lanterns can last one day to several weeks before shriveling. The key is to prevent the pumpkin from drying out. Here are some tricks:
-Soak your pumpkin in a water bath daily. You can even add some unscented bleach to kill off bacteria and mold.
-If a daily pumpkin bath is too much work, simply spray the pumpkin with water daily but dry off the outside with a towel to prevent mold from growing.
-Coat the inside and exposed sawed edges of the pumpkin with petroleum jelly. It will help seal in moisture.
There are some creative things you can do with your carved pumpkin. Here are some ideas:
-Use either candles or a battery powered small light bulb for lighting the pumpkin. Flash bumbs can be used to add a startling effect!
-Pin colored cellophane sheets behind the carved design. The light will shrine through the design.
-Add a music device to the inside of the pumpkin to welcome trick-or-treaters.
I hope these tips help you create a beautiful jack-o-lantern this season. Happy Halloween!
October 12, 2009
A Space Of Your Own
I took a old vanity table and removed the attached mirror. I hung a wall storage unit above the table for my crafts, complete with a lamp and a little chair for sitting and doing my work. (I can still use it as a vanity when I need to. How wonderful to make a space that serves a double purpose!) The wall storage unit actually looks like a piece of art with all of the colorful craft supplies rather than a storage piece. It will also keep me organized since it is on display all of the time now!
-cozy chair with bright lamp for the knitter, needlepointer or reader.
-small craft table for the card maker or scrapbooker.
-easel for the drawer or painter, keep unfolded and ready to go.
Living a happy, stressfree life involves making time for your hobbies. Creating a "space" for your hobby will remind you to do your hobby more often. No matter how little square footage you have, you can always find space for the things you love. Keep your space set up as a reminder to take time out of your day for yourself to do what you love. If your space is ready to go, you are more likely to take time for your craft. You always have time to do what is important to you, it's all about prioritizing!
October 1, 2009
SUCH Ideas For Halloween
September 19, 2009
What A Polite Puppy!
September 16, 2009
"Dress Up" A Cocktail Party
September 9, 2009
September 8, 2009
Royal Icing
Whisk together 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice with 2 egg whites. Add in 3 cups confectioners sugar and a dabble of gel food coloring. The proper consistency is when the ribbon of icing that falls back into the bowl remains on the surface for about 5 seconds before disappearing. To cover the cookie neatly, take the cookie and place a small amount of icing in the middle of the cookie. Using a small knife or spatula, push the icing to the edge of the cookie. If the icing runs off the edge, thicken the icing by adding a little more confectioners sugar. The icing will harden quickly when exposed to air so you must work fast or else cover the icing in an airtight container if you need to take a break. If you are using the icing to pipe flowers or write letters, add a little more confectioners sugar so the consistency is a bit thicker and optimal for piping. Pipe with a fine metal frosting tip and plastic pastry bag that you can throw away in case the icing hardens inside the bag.
September 1, 2009
Girls Only!

So that's my great idea for the night: Start a football pool just for the girls this year. He